Our Services

Employee Engagement

How are you enacting your commitment to engage 70% (Gallup statistic) of your employees hungry to feel a part of your organization? What are you doing to help your employees connect to the mission of your organization? How are you inciting people to discover the ways their talents and experiences are critical and connected to the organization’s strategies? Once you get past surveys and the usual fare of employee engagement there’s a rich set of counter intuitive actions you can take. We get up every day to put the power of story to work in novel ways for our clients unique engagement challenges. Let’s collaborate to build a suite of storied strategies, techniques, and tools right for you.

Culture and Change

We know it’s hard to wrap your hands around culture. What happens when we shift our attention to purposefully nurturing the network of relationships in our organizations? We understand culture as the collection of experiences past, present and future that are consistently, openly shared, respected, and mined across the entire organization. Culture is dynamic. Relationships in networks of experiences tied to each other builds your organization’s brand from the inside out. Change is the movement that stretches the glue of relationships ensuring that there is always elasticity and a dynamic give and take as people navigate new terrain. Our storied approaches to culture and change will allow you to leverage the kinetic energy of story that puts people and relationships at the heart of your success.
Award Winning Research on Story-based Communication Skills

Leadership Development

Leaders engage and invite sense making with others. With story-based communications we are not prescribing meaning with stories. Nor are we seeking compliance of understanding. We are seeking people’s commitments. Learn more about our award winning research on story-based communication skills that is at the heart of our leadership development practice. Most recently we designed an initative to scale leadership storytelling that reached over 400,000 people.
Terrence Gargiulo interviewed by national station on sales and storytelling

Sales and Messaging

Educating customers is long dead. Do your sales team know how to craft interactive compelling narratives that lead to rich conversations? Would you be interested in learning how to co-create and build stories that star your customers as heros?Imagine clients walking away from a meeting bursting to share with people in their organization… Imagine clients feeling a personal connection with your people who make the magic of your products and services work day in day out… Imagine clients experiencing moments of personal insights into how your products and services will transform their business… Let's get started today!
Key insight about business storytelling

Stories are more about listening than telling...

Listening is the most important storytelling skill
Imagine people deeply connecting with each other. This whole new level of communicating is a place where active listening to each other, reflecting on our experiences, and synthesizing new insights from each other’s experiences are common-place. Stories help people to communicate with one another in surprising ways. By sharing stories, we are better able to express and appreciate our differences. The social network of stories becomes the fabric for meaning to emerge. Our differentiated sets of experiences are integrated and tied together by the rich, fluid nature of stories. In this medium of stories, we create the foundation for building a true community of learners.
We'll bring this magic alive in your organization to drive results and inspire committment.